ReTigma Studio


Faces of the Poorest

Faces of the Poorest, a game playlist tutorial for Unreal Engine and Blender.


Faces of the Poorest: Planning and Scripting-(Part1 Game Tutorial)

FoP Video #1

In this video, we've planned and created the script for the game "Faces of the Poorest." Feel free to revise your own version of the game.

FoP Video #2

Faces of the Poorest: UE5 Environment and Blender Navigation Tools-(Part2 Game Tutorial)

We covered the three basic blender navigational tools in this video: grab, rotate, and scale. Feel free to revise your own version of the game.

FoP Video #3

UE5.4 and Blender Import/Export Material-(Part3 Game Tutorial Faces of the Poorest)

Now you could dive into the process of importing and exporting materials between Unreal Engine 5.4 and Blender. This step is crucial for maintaining consistency and efficiency in your game development workflow, especially when working on assets that require complex materials.

Philippians 4:13, Psalm 27:1, John 3:16, Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Luke 1:37, Luke 18:27, Philippians 4:6–8, Romans 8:28, Psalm 23. Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 40:31, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 5:7, Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 91:11, and 1 John 1:9.

Just do not give up, and you will succeed.

If you feel lonely or lost, Just remember these verses.